קול קורא לכנס ה-24 לחקר סימון דה בובואר שיתקיים ב-19-21/6/2017 באוניברסיטת חיפה:
דדליין: 15.2.2017
THE UNIVERSITY OF HAIFA IS PLEASED TO HOST The Twenty Fourth International Conference of the Simone de Beauvoir Society Simone de Beauvoir’s Feminism(s)
The influence of Simone de Beauvoir’s thought on Feminism and Feminist Theory is indisputable. Beauvoir’s The Second Sex is unanimously recognized as one of the main pillars of feminist thought and as a major work of the 20th Century. The Second Sex has informed both feminist thought and feminist political struggle and activism.
Beauvoir’s feminism is nevertheless not only reflected through The Second Sex, but also through other philosophical and theoretical books and papers, short essays as well as her fiction and literary works. Thus, we might ask: What kind of feminism does Beauvoir advocate? Or, are there in fact many “Beauvoir’s feminisms”? How are these feminisms connected to other both past and contemporary feminist ideas and feminist struggles?
The 24th International Conference of the Simone de Beauvoir Society will take place at the University of Haifa, Israel, from June 19-21, 2017, hosted by the Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Program in collaboration with the Philosophy Department. We welcome submissions on Beauvoir’s life and works from a broad range of disciplines. Papers that engage and challenge Beauvoir’s feminist ideas and those that analyze Beauvoir’s feminist work in relation to contemporary political action and theoretical work are desired, but all work on Beauvoir will be considered. We welcome work from a variety of perspectives- historical, philosophical, literary, comparative analyses, among others.
Keynote Speakers: Prof. Nancy Bauer, Prof. Debra Bergoffen, Prof. Sara Heinämaa (to be confirmed), Prof. Gail Weiss.
To submit your proposal, please send an abstract of no more than 800 words in English and a short Curriculum Vitae including your contact details and institutional affiliation, if any, to the conference organizer: Dr. Sara Cohen Shabot, before February 15th, 2017.