:Topics may include but are not restricted
Normative discourses/ideologies of Motherhood; New Momism; Intensive Mothering; Empowered Mothering: Maternal Empowerment; Maternal Activism; Feminism and Motherhood; Feminist Mothering; 21st Century Motherhood Movement: Mother Outlaws/Outlaw Mothering; Mothering from the Margins; Good/Bad Mothers; Transnational Mothering; Mothering and Migration: Latina/Chicana Mothering; Mother Artists/Writers; Young Mothers, Motherhood-Mothering in Film, Literature, Popular Culture and the Arts; Adoption; Hybrid Mothering; Maternal Resistance; Maternal Thinking: Maternal Practice: Mothering and Work/Mothering as Work; Maternal Sexuality; Public and Social Policy and Motherhood; Maternal Health; Mothers and Daughters; Mothers and Sons; Mothering, Violence, Militarism and War; Mothering and Social Justice; Motherhood Studies; Mothering in the Academe; Pregnancy, Childbirth and Breastfeeding; Othermothering/Community Mothering; Queer Mothers/Mothering; LBGT Mothering; Aboriginal Mothering; Motherhood Memoirs: Mothers and the Internet: Mommy Blogs: African and African American Mothering; South Asian Mothering: Asian Mothering; Mothering; Race, Ethnicity, Culture and Class: Maternal Identity: Becoming a Mother; Identity Politics of Motherhood and Mothering; Mothering and Gender Relations; Fathers/Fathering; Maternal Theories; Mothering/Motherhood and Philosophy; Reproductive Technologies, Mothers/Mothering and the Law; Mothers and Poverty, Mothering and Globalization; Maternal Wellbeing, Mothering and Social Movements; Myth and Motherhood/Mothering; Mothering and the Environment/Environmentalism, Family, Maternal Pedagogies; Mothering/Mothers and Education; Mothers/Motherhood and Sociology; Midwifery; Histories of Motherhood and Mothering; Marginalized Motherhoods/Mothering; Mothering/Mothers and Disability; Mothering/Mothers and Music; Teaching Motherhood; Nationalism and Motherhood; Motherlines; Children; Mothers/Motherhood and Anthropology; Mothering/Mothers and Science; Mothers/Motherhood and Psychology; Maternal Memoirs, Biographies, Narratives, and Autobiographies
If you are interested in being considered as a presenter, please send a 250 word abstract
and a 50 word bio by September 1, 2010 to: info@motherhoodinitiative.org
*One must be a member of Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI) to submit an abstract for this conference. Memberships begin May 1, 2010
http://www.motherhoodinitiative.org/May2010MIRCIMembership.pdf |